Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And we get nowhere...

And we get nowhere...

I am having a crabby day.
I woke up all kinds of irritable and it did not go away.
Coffee only made me more energetically grumpy.
But, you know, I have been thinking a lot about the irritants that have been effecting me.
One is narrow-mindedness.
We are all narrow-minded to a point but the best way to combat the problem is to admit you suffer from narrow-minditis.
Hi, my name is Sarah, and I suffer from narrow-mindeditis.
So, what the hell does it matter if people are narrow-minded?
Well, actually, it matters a lot.
For example, a conservative and liberal both think the other is horrifically wrong, so they both insult the other, the do not hear the others opinion,
We get nowhere.
An atheist dislikes a Christian and a Christian prays for the soul of the going-to-hell atheist.
We get nowhere.
The tea-partier and the occupy protester yell at each other until they are blue in the face.
We get nowhere.
And we get nowhere.
And we get nowhere.
This, my friends, is narrow-minditis.
You must be either socialist or libertarian.
Conservative or liberal.
Christian or not.
Right wing or left wing.
Okay. Calm down.
We all think we are right but NONE of us, not even myself, stop to think of common ground and stop worrying about labels.
I am so TIRED of this.
So weary. So how about we all knock it off.
Yeah right, it will never happen.
Narrow-mindeditis is a rampant and viral disease.
But, there is one cure.
Compassion CAN rule politics.
If it did, we would not have to worry about labels.
When we use compassion we will not quibble over where the money for our homeless comes from, we will not care as long as it helps them.
When we use compassion we will not quibble over who lives in our communities with us, we will embrace diversity and love our neighbors.
When we use compassion we will want the sick of our community to be cared for, the sick will not go into debt to be better, because when the people of the community are healthy
the community THRIVES.
But, alas my friends, this is a pipe dream, never to be realized.
So I will just be crabby and drink my coffee and watch as we drown ourselves in narrow-mindeditis.

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